Monday, March 13, 2017

Roasted garlic

Roasted Garlic

If you're like me, you hate leaving food to waste. T will buy a big bag of pre peeled garlic every now and again when he's cooking something that needs a lot of garlic. But we always end up with left overs that rot, because no matter how much you love garlic, you just can't use it all before it grows fur.

Roast it.

I just cut off the end, drizzled the pan in olive oil and then drizzled a little more over the cloves and let it alone in the oven at 200 for about 35 minutes. The cloves should come out soft with a mellowed flavour.
Amazing smeared on fresh bread as is or mashed into potatoes or into compound butter.

If you manage not to eat the whole pan, pack it into a mason jar and cover with olive oil.
Will keep for about 10 days or so, and you can use the olive in when cooking too.

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